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Conservation biology
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I am a biologist specializing in aquatic ecology with 7+ years of project management and science communication experience. Passionate about protecting endangered species and habitats, I engage people through compelling narratives, particularly within nonprofit organizations. With a multidisciplinary background in conservation biology, science communication, volunteering, and environmental education, I contribute to conservation projects’ success. I have participated in international projects in Ecuador, Finland, Kenya, Spain, and the United States. As a wildlife photographer, I use powerful visuals to learn about and preserve biodiversity. Combining my scientific expertise, storytelling, and passion for photography, I strive to make a meaningful impact on world biodiversity conservation.


Biologist and Wildlife Photographer

Conservation biology

Project management

Check out the conservation projects in which I’ve been involved.


Learn more about which are my main research interests and projects.

Field work

Learn more about what kind of wildlife species are my work focus and what sampling methods I use.

Scientific communication

Check out a selection of the dissemination materials I’ve published over the last few years.

Did you know ...?

Ocells de zones humides (llibre) - Arnau Pou

New Book!

Wetland birds

A practical guide to identify and recognize the most common birds in Catalan wetlands. It features 55 bird identification cards, with pictures and easy-to-understand information about the size, the wingspan, the plumage, the birdsongs, the ecological requirements, the behavior, the state of conservation and the population trends of every species. It also includes map markers to better know the location of each species in Catalonia. A field guide to learn to appreciate, love and preserve those birds that are closest to us.

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